Afni, Inc
Tried to rip me off!

Education & Science

Received a bogus collections notice today from Afni, Inc. I called the number on the bill and they told me that it was a bill I owed from 2002 on a phone number that I have never had and at an address where I have never lived. I told the guy that this bill was not mine and he asked me if I had internet access and I said yes. He said that I could go to the fraud department on their website and report it. I am not stupid enough to go to their website and risk my personal information, so instead I found a lot of other people who are complaining of the same ripoff!!!

I called them back after I saw all of the complaints and told them to take my name off their list, that they were obviously a scam company and that they better listen very carefully... That my name is copywritten, and if I get any more letters from them or if this comes up on my credit I will sue them for $750,000 each and every time they write my name on a piece of paper. The guy was getting shitty with me, but finally shut up and let me talk. He said he would take my name of the list. Hopefully this is the end of it, if not... They will be hearing from me again!!!

Company: Afni, Inc
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Bloomington
Address: P.O. Box 3427
Phone: 8663081160
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Verizion communications ripoff dishonest fraudulent billing

Ripoff Fraudulent Collections Bullies

Afni, Inc

Afni Collections
This is a Scam Rip-Off Company that tries to collect fake bills, and could ruin your credit

Qwest - Afni
Sent a bill to collections from 2002 that I was not aware of

Afni Collections
The Great Rip Off Story Collection notice from 11 years ago from Verizon on phone that isn't mine

Afni Collections
Phony bill!

Fraud collection notice from Afni ripoff

Afni Collections
Fraud and cheating!

AFNI Collections
Sent me a verizon bill for $1800 that isn't mine. Even verizon said it wasn't mine, but it's still on my credit report thanks to afni collections. And I can't even get a repsonse from them! Ripoff