Ripoff Fraudulent Collections Bullies

Business & Finance

Yesterday, February 5, my husband received a collections notice from a company called Afni, INC. They claim that we had owed ALLTELL Communications, INC $483.55. We contacted this company immediately yesterday after reading the collection notice. We were told that this bill was for a cell phone he never had and it was opened in February through December in Pensacola. Additionally, they stated that the bill was being sent to a PO Box in Pensacola. My husband was activated for military duty in Pensacola immediately after 9/11 on 9/24/01 and returned home in July. However, we live in Jacksonville, FL. We told them that he has always had a company cell phone for over 10 years and did not have this account. We have never received a bill from ALLTELL for 5 years, as they stated that this account is for. We have never seen this account on our credit report.

They began to ask for personal information, like our home and work number, our place of employment. We told them that we would not give them this information until they give us information about this bill and this company. They were very reluctant and told us to go to their website at addition, to log onto their website to report this as a dispute, unable to pay and fraud. However, when you proceed to log this as a fraud onto their website, it asks for your DOB, Driver's License #, SSN, all necessary information to use against you in a fraud situation. We did not proceed with the dispute and exited this website. I did a search on this company and found hundreds of complaints from others who have received letters from this company, with many different addresses and P O Boxes.

We are afraid that they will send this unlawful and unethical collection notice to the Credit Bureaus. We have always had great credit and these scumbags' need to be stopped. I can only wonder how many people have fallen to this scam.

Company: Afni
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Bloomington
Address: 404 Brock Dr. P O Box 3427
Phone: 8666470868
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