Fraud collection notice from Afni ripoff

Business & Finance

I recently received a collection report in the mail from Afni, Inc. Saying I owed money for a Verizon telephone service. I found that odd seeing Verizon land line is not available in my area.

So I called the number on the notice. The gentleman that I spoke with said that I owed this from 1995. I would have been in my senior year of highschool then and did not have a phone in my name at that time. He did have the town correct that I lived in at that time, but I told him I did not have a phone. He kept insisting that I did have the phone and was asking me if I knew the people he was giving me names of. He was telling me that these people were tied to me some how.

I did not know the name of the people. He actually told me the town justice was tied to me and the phone too. How could I have anything to do with a town of justice phone? I asked if this is my bill, then why in 12 years have I never received a bill for this. He said that this company is the only company that has equipment good enough to find people no matter what. He proceeds to tell me that I should get my credit report.

I told him I get my report quarterly and that has never been on there. He said I had to go to their web site and file a fraudulent report then and if I did not do it in 7 days they are going to send me out information to file one through the mail. Then he hung up on me. Why would he hang up on me if he is trying to collect money for a so called bill?

Company: Afni
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Bloomington
Phone: 18002571585
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Trying to collect on a Fraudulent Account ripoff

Afni, Inc
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