Ripoff dishonest fraudulent billing

Education & Science

To whom i may concern:

I recently bought two credit reports from a site i saw that was advertising a 3-in-1 credit report with a free credit score for 19.97 each report so thinking this was a good deal i purchased the two reports and everything was going along great unitl i checked my bank account 2 days later and realized they had not taken out 19.97 but 29.90 per report so i called the cusotmer service center and explained to them that they over charged me that is when they explained to me that on their site underneath their advertised picture there is a very small box that indicates that u can purchase three credit scores for an additional 9.95 and when i explained to them that i didnt purchase it the representative explained to me that their home page box fills itself in and that i had also been enrolled in credit monitoring an additional service that costs 40.00 another service i didnt ask for and since it hadnt been taken out of my account she cancelled that service and basically told me there was nothing she could do about the 9.95 per report additional i was being charged after several minutes of her talking in circles i asked to speak to a supervisor and then proceded to be hung up on then after i called back i got someone who claimed to be the director (of i guess the call center he didnt say what of) and after several minutes of him making me feel like a complete idiot he basically told me since i opened my reports i ordered that i was stuck with the 9.95 per report additional that was being taken out of my account..

Country: USA
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Credit Report
CreditReport Dishonest Their Credit Score is Not Accurate Not The Same as The One Your Bank Obtains ripoff
SCAM CREDIT Report Site. DECEPTIVE BIlling Ripoff

Consumer Info
Consumer Report
Makes additional charges to your account

Got me with a very slick bait and switch upsell All Over The World Via The Internet RIPOFF
Paid $29.95 for 3 bureaus and scores but scores were totally off the wall
Not so bad, Mighty Net False advertising, Free credit report that they later charge you 24.95 and refuse to refund money