Bill Me Later
Ripoff bill me as you please

Education & Science

Long story short. Today, I viewed my account online because for some reason I no longer receive paper bills, but that is another story, and somehow I was charged a late fee after I paid my account in full. Here's why, 2 reasons, for some unknown and bizarre reason they received information that my account did not exist! Now of course I checked my statement and the debit was not made, even though this is the same account that was used on all previous purchases. Somehow, someone juxtaposed my bank information? I assumed once this information is in a merchants system that it would stay there until the customer changed it.

So I called the Bullsh*t Now - folks and tried to make sense of what was going on. The "Customer Service Rep" asked me a million questions in order to determine my identity which I thought was a little overkill. Account# (after I had entered it at the beginning of the call), my name, address, birth date, last 4 digits of my SSN#.
I spoke to older women with a British accent which was so thick I wasn't able to get her name, but that was OK, since I had assumed this problem would be corrected and there would be no need to call these people again.

I explained the story about what I perceived as a data entry error with my account number and asked what did I need to do in order to prove that my account does exist? After some I apologies for this and that, she stated there was NOTHING that I could do to prove the existence of my checking account. I was in shock that she had the brass ones to say that. I immediately became somewhat pissed off and demanded that the late charge be removed. I also questioned why I received an email thanking me for updating my method of delivery in that I would no longer receive paper bills. This of course was never initiated by me.

Surprisingly she said that my account was set up to receive paper bills, which of course I knew already. She said that the problem with the account number is something I would have to take up with my bank!!! I said I understood that, but do I need to fax you something for proof? She said that she would connect me with collections and immediately tried to transfer haste I hung up and sent an email to them explaining my reasons why I was not at all happy with the service I received from what these legal loan sharks. I will let you know the outcome of this bizarre situation.

Never again will I use these idiots, next time I will use my credit card that protects me from unauthorized purchases. I believe I didn't over react and that the service I received was less than satisfactory.

Company: Bill Me Later
Country: USA
State: Nebraska
City: Omaha
Phone: 8665283733
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Bill Me Later, ripoff, want more money than due, argumentative account rep's

Sprint Nextel

I Card Services - US BANK
They didn't make enough money on a good custome

Chase Bank
Terrible bank

AFNI - QWest Communications
No billing sent, long distance cut off for non-payment, couldn't even pay online

TD Financial Services
Premier Designs Credit Card Fraudulent Fees Rude Representatives = Bad Business

Turning account over to credit bureau after not sending bills

Bill me later
Paypal bill me later Used bill me later with paypal to pay for ebay purchases. Each time I signed into bill me later to pay for purchases a new account was created without my consent or knowledge (twice)
Doesn't ask for method of payment Internet

Card Service Center
Billing late fees and overlimit fees while not sending bills outlandish ripoff late fees