Federal Government Grants Department
Ripoff Phone call in the evening declaring I have been selected for a grant

Education & Science

I was called this EVENING and informed by a foreign speaking individual that I was selected in a batch of 20,000 others to receive a $10,000.00 no interest, non-taxable and no need to pay back Federal Government GRANT. He (nameless) told me, upon my asking him, that he was indeed an employee of THE Federal Government of the USA. I was supposedly given his supervisor to speak to and was told again in broken English that the grant was mine yada yada yada and that I was being transfered to an office in Washington, DC for verification. When I told him he sounded more like a very bad, non english speaking salesman and that I was not in the least interested in his scam (since I am in the Do-not-call listing) he told me in what I can only describe an Indian (ish) accent to "go to the H*l".

I checked my caller ID and the number is as follows:
251-634-5885. Of course it is unlisted and nothing shows up on several reverse lookup searches.
I trust this is not a legitimate offer since I could use the free money, but more than likely it is not.
I hope no one falls for this if it is truly a scam.

Company: Federal Government Grants Department
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Phone: 2516345885
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Consumer Report