BlueHippo Funding
Ripoff after two months of waiting I still have no computer or money now

Education & Science

I signed up for what I thought was a great program for those of us who have suffered set backs. I paid my initial payment and faxed the papers they requested and they said two weeks I'll have a computer. Two weeks passed and no computer so I call. They inform me (after my call) they did not receive my copy of my drivers license (kind of funny since it was copied onto the other papers I sent but OK). So I verify the fax number and fax again. I call to verify they receive it and they tell me it hasn't reached that department yet give it about 24 hours and call back. I let a few more days go and call back and no one was available to answer any questions. They keep taking my money and telling me they don't have my drivers license. I have faxed it three (3) more times and still nothing. I really can't afford to lose the money they have already taken but it doesn't seem like I can do anything to get it back.

If anyone has any suggestions or can help please contact me. Thank you. I feel pretty stupid now. I should have known that because it sounded to good to be true that it was. As of March 21 I still have no computer.

Company: BlueHippo Funding
Country: USA
State: Maryland
City: Baltimore
Address: 7000 Security Blvd
Phone: 8007784018
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