MWI Homeworks Plus
Ripoff membership hidden in check from Dell Financial Services, I feel that both MWI Memberworks Plus and DFS are guilty of misrepresenting themselves and false advertising

Education & Science

In September 04 I received a check for $4 from Dell Financial Services (DFS) for being one of their Preferred Account holders.

I cashed the check in good faith. November 4 I received a statement from DFS showing a $139.95 charge for Homeworks Plus. I had never heard of them and called the number on the statement.

They explained who they were and I told them I had not willingly or knowingly signed for their product. The lady said she would cancel the account and issue me a credit within 2-3 days.

Today (Dec 1) I called DFS to check the status of my account. I had been credited $113.90, and still owed $26.05. I called Homeworks Plus again, and they said it was a pro-rated portion of my membership. I complained to the customer service person, and to his supervisor, but they denied any responsibility since I had cashed the check, however unknowingly.

Since the time I received my statement and found out what was going on, I have received another check from DFS for $4. This time I closely examined the fine print on the back (with a magnifying glass) and discovered another membership to a different association but the same group, MWI. We destroyed the check.

I feel that both MWI Memberworks Plus and DFS are guilty of misrepresenting themselves and false advertising. I have since cancelled my Preferred Account, so I should not be getting any more such checks, but the $26.05 is still on the account and there doesn't seem to be anything I can do.

Is there a lawsuit that I can join to stop these actions and get my money back?

Company: MWI Homeworks Plus
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Carol Stream
Phone: 8002832210
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Ripoff Carol Stream, IL

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