Essentials - homeworksplus - MWI
Essentials, homeworksplus attempted to charge yearly membership without consent. Rip-off!

Education & Science

I was recently given the opportunity (through Dell Financial Services) to accept an offer to enroll in a trial membership with MWI Homeworksplus (essentials). You know the offer: You cash the check, and unless you notify MWI, you are charged $139.95 for the 1-year membership. However, after reading the fine print, I thought their offer so ridiculous that I put the check aside. (The only reason I didn't throw it away was that I wanted to follow up with Dell as to why they would lower themselves by being associated with such a scam.) I had forgotten all about this until I got a Preferred Account statement from Dell, and, lo and behold, there was the $139.95 charge on my account!

I called the 1-800 Homeworksplus number listed in the transaction detail section to inquire about why I had been charged, even though the $4.00 check was still in my possession. At first, I was told that I must have agreed to the membership by cashing the check. Again, I had to remind the person that I still had the check: uncashed. Then, I was told that this must have been some sort of mistake, and my account would be credited if I wanted to cancel. (An additional note: The transaction date was 11/2/04, and the check was dated 11/5/04.)

After hanging up, I also called Dell and asked them if they thought this was a good way to conduct business. I wanted to know how they could just let someone put a $139.95 charge on the account that I had set up through them. It was, after all, their name at the top of the statement. They told me that I must have agreed to the enrollment conditions of a third party advertising organization, and that I would have to take it up with them.

What a scam they have going! I went on the Internet afterwards and saw where numerous similar complaints had been lodged against MWI on various websites. There is even a lawsuit against MWI in California, and I'm happy to say that they (the prosecution) have my full support. MWI should be ashamed to engage in such under-handed business practices. I can only imagine how many people don't even yet know that they're being ripped off.

Company: Essentials - homeworksplus - MWI
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Des Plains
Address: Po Box 5152
Phone: 8886817216
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