Furnace mother board fried - Furnace

Construction & Repair

Had a service tech come in our home to tell us that the motherboard on our furnace is bad and that he would have to order it and should be by friday, but should it not arrive by friday that he would be able to install it by monday, however we ge a call from Sears stateing that the part might not be in by Friday but they would keep the appointment until they find out if and when it will be here. I received a automated call today asking to reschedule the appointment. I called and was told that the part was on back order, so I called the complaint department and asked them how long would it be before we received the part for the furnace? The answer was astounding each motherboard is specially designed for each furnace and it would take 4 to 6 weeks before we would get it. While I can understand when a TV or some other non life sustaining equipment goes bad then you wait, but when you are taking care of an 85 year old women and are living at the moment with energy sucking heaters, that do not do a very good job of keeping the house warm, then I get highly angry. I think that if the furnace is only about two years old and you need to replace something like that then you need to replace the furnace and refirbish the broken one. According to the solutions department we should buy another room heater. I don't know what a multi million dollar company like Sears is doing, but If i ever need another furnace again I will not buy from Sears. Oh by the way we live in Michigan and cold winter has already visited us. Imagine what that will do for our 85 year old mother.

Company: Sears
Country: USA
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