Pincrest Builders
Breach of contract. Rip-off!

Construction & Repair

Here is the report what we would like to share with all consumers that Pincrest Builders did the fraud in NJ. Until now, there are 4 victim families in NJ what I knew now. Below is the whole issue what we would like to say:

Robert Clause, owner of PineCrest Builder, is sub contractor to our original siding/window contractor (Solid Vinyl Siding).

1) Robert wants us to buy out Solid Vinyl Siding and we paid him in-full for siding job $3,500 (check # 562 $1,600 to Terry Tersigni - Solid Vinyl Siding, check# 563 $1,900 to Rob Clause) because Robert said he will finish the rest siding and window jobs. But, he never did.

2) On 12/19/03, Rob agreed to do additional work - replacing front door porch column foundations $1000. It did not complete because he needed town's permit to do and finish the job. Check # 564 Paid $1,000

3) On 12/20/03, Rob agreed to do our additional job to close our front-door entry $2000. It did not get done because he need Livingston town's permit to finish it. Paid Cash $1,000. $1000 remained at that moment. But was paid by using item 3) window's fee

4) On 12/28/03, Rob agreed to do our inside job to and replace kitchen window with a brand new Bow window, Paid $1,000 to the Bay window. This $1000 was used for paid-off item 2)

5) On 1/5/04, we signed additional contract for house addition which will forfeit all previous contracts.
So, both item 1) and item 2) are paid. Item 3) was cancelled.

We paid $20,000 (check number #554) one third of deposit and $2,000 (check # 556) for house additional plan drawing. Total $22,000.

6) On 2/27/04, we paid additional $1,000 (check #586) under request of Bob who need a electric seal for our drawing which never done

6) On 3/26/04, we paid additional $1,500 (check #580) under
request of Bob for our house plan survey which was never done. At that moment, Rob said the plan should be done in two weeks.

After two weeks, we have been trying to contact Rob after requesting our plan to submit our permit. He did not answer any our call. And he always said plan was done.

On 5/17/04, Bob showed up in our house and took our new roof materials and his tools without giving any notice. We caught him and he said he would replace with right color for our roof material. He will come back
in two weeks to do our siding/windows. He also promised to mail us our new addition drawing plan next day.

Until now, Rob's every promises were not true and we did not get our house building plan in mail. We tried to call him home and celluar phone. Nobody answered phone and celluar phone even temporary out-of-service (Starting on Jun 7, the celluar phone is on but always answer machine).

It has been almost half year that we draw was not done and our siding/window was not done since our siding job started. However, we did lose in total $31,000 for this fraud by Pinecrest Builders.

Company: Pincrest Builders
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Easton
Address: 415 North 8th Street
Phone: 6102583223
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Siding World
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Midstate Siding And Window Company Inc
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Affiliated Contracting Consultants Inc
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Matthew Evans
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Mid Carolina Exteriors
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United Roofing - United Builders
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Edward Humphrey
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American Siding & Window
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