AAA Absolute Clean Air Inc
Completely robbed-in every sense

Construction & Repair

I live in condo area where every 2 years youre required to clean dryer vents. I looked & saw in Clipper magazine for $34.99 so I called around. Some gut with very strong accent, could nt make out what he was, Russian, Middle eastern, something and set up appointment. I was not availble, so my good friend came over to let him in. I have had it done before, it takes no more then 1/2 hour, outside with hose, inside-in washer/dryer room. Well then the scam continued. He told my friend it was more, extra feer, etc. I am on 1st floor, there is no extra feet.By the time it was done 55.00 later. Whiel she was texting me, in living room-he was in washer room, I have limited space, so some items had to be moved to washer, like food, liquor. Within the last 3-4 weeks I have noticed bizarre items gone a missing-like my good shearing scissors, last night wanted to open tuna, my can opener-is Gone. *

Now I'm looking, you know when you noitce somethings off, when I moved my stuff back onto the dryer the day he came, Well. He stole 3 bottles of liquor -while he was in there. My friend was nt in same area as he was, & he took every opportunity to steal from me. My Exclusive St. Maarten rum, 2 bottles of Bacardi from islands as well. Plus random things. I caNNOT BELIEVE i DIDNT GOOGLE THEM, FIND ALL THE DECEIT THEY HAVE DONE TO others, not only did they scam me, stole from my house!!!

Company: AAA Absolute Clean Air Inc
Country: USA
Phone: 8885913828
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AAA Absolute Clean Air Inc
They Royally

Supose to get washer and dryer and still havn't. Call me 5 times tring to get me to pay for it and i keep telling them i moved out and they were supose to pick it up... They tried to get me to get a

The Brick
About the washer & dryer I bought

HH Gregg
Ripoff for not installing a dryer properly and causing a fire

Best Scratch & Dent Appliance
Owner Sold the Appliances i Paid for!

H H Gregg
Sold me a Used Washer as New

The Brick Markham Ontario
Terrible Delivery Service

Washer and dryer - HE Front loading washe

LG Appliances
LG washer broke down after 2 years from purchase

Does not dry!