Sent money and never recieved product SCAM!

Construction & Repair

I was looking for a swingset on craig's list for my children. After spending months looking for a set I came acrost one on craig's list listed for $600.00 that was brand new.

I contacted the seller via email and about three days later I received a response directing me to a website. The website was Their site was very professional and listed a number of different swing sets that were on sale. The prices seemed to good to be true but my husband and I were so excited to finally get a set for our kids that we picked one out that we liked and ordered it.

When we got to the payment site they asked that we pay using green dot, a form of paypal. Not thinking much of it I went to my local Wal Mart and purchased a green dot card and sent the number to the website.

I received an email about every other day updating me on the progress of my order. First was payment was accepted, then it was processing order. Then the emails just stopped. I went to go back to website and it stated that the site no longer exists.

After doing some research I learned that this was an internet scam that has been going on all over the country through craig'slist.

My husband and I do not make much money but are very hard workers. We have been saving for this set for a long time and are now hearbroken that our children will spend yet another summer without a swing set. I cannot believe someone does this to people. I guess I just had way to much faith in people.

Country: USA
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