Allegheny Power
Did not read meter, are in possession of $6,855. Oo bill

Construction & Repair

Listed here is one for you. I spend my statement each month which weeks statement stated I owe $6,855.00. I named thinking it was an error plus they stated that it was proper simply because they hadnot browse the meter since Oct!!! No-call or notice within the last 15 weeks to inform people they'dnot browse the meter or that people required to see it. After I questioned the things they might do, since clearly my 2-3 hundred-dollar monthly obligations have not offset this, I acquired a large fat nothing. We reside in a-3 bedroom home, keep anything down around feasible, warmth and atmosphere reduced, etc. That Is insane. Named the Public Service Fee to determine how this may probably be appropriate. Have not seen from their website yet. After all significantly, just how can a home, not really a company, utilize that significantly far above exactly what the regular projected expenses were just for 12 weeks. Actually, the resason they stated they mightnot was due to a puppy. Well, we've four pets but are stored inside when aren't in the home. To ensure that cause fails both. This really is really unsettling and that I've been reading plenty of tales about how they function. Really frightening because we clearly require electrical. Waiting to determine exactly what the Public Service Commission discovers.

Company: Allegheny Power
Country: USA
State: West Virginia
City: Parkersburg
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