Home Depot
Crappy product, Crappy Service

Construction & Repair

Recently my husband and I moved into a new home. We decided to repaint our five-room condo and we bought all of our paint at Home Depot. Relying on the expertise of the sales people of the Home Depot we followed their recommendations on the finish of the paint and the brand. We bought 1 gallons of “Green Crush” paint West Roxbury Home Depot and then another gallon at the Watertown branch to paint our dining room at. It took my husband a total of 13 hours to cut and paint the 2 coats of paint in the dining room. Once the paint on the dining room walls dried we realized that the two gallons were actually different colors and half of our dining room is one color and the other is a different color. The name “Green Crush” says on both of gallons and the paint formula combinations are the same but the colors are SIGNIFICANLY different. So I ask you, how could this happen? You advertize yourself as the know it alls of the home improvement. You supposedly employ the best and the most knowledgeable staff, so tell me how two separate gallons of paint with identical mixture of paint combinations can come out to look about 3 shades differently?

The best part of our experience came on June 28th, when we arrived at the Watertown store to ask for a refund the paint and had an encounter with Tony D., your customer friendly and welcoming staff thought that it would be appropriate to blame the customers for the something we have no control over and to yell at them for better absorption. I believe that blaming the customer would be the last thing a store employee should be doing, but there was Tony D.in all his orange apron glory burrowing his brow and folding his arms over his belly and raising his voice at my husband. We asked for a refund and for a new gallon of paint to fix our wall. Tony D. Yelled at my husband. We asked to speak to the manager. Tony repeated three times that the store manager, Devon Campbell, told him to tell us that he will only replace one gallon of paint and that he would not come out. He did not call the manager, he just kept repeating that this is what the manager told him to tell us. When I tried to voice my concerns, Tony D. Did not even look at me. He ignored any attempts I made to talk to him and persisted to yell at my husband. I would like you to thank Tony for me for the 1950s treatment he gave me, I guess the Watertown Home Depot’s policy is “women have no business in a hardware store.” My husband and I are outraged and appalled by the treatment we received by your store employees. It is the store manager’s job to address the clients’ concerns and attempt to fix them, instead Mr. Campbell was too busy to even come out of his office and face us, he send a disgruntled messenger instead.

Please send us a check in the amount of $83.92 as refund for the 2 gallons of Behr “Green Crush” paint which screwed up our wall and for 2 gallons we purchased to fix our wall. Furthermore, please tell me how you, the home improvement experts and our caring neighborhood home improvement store are going to repay my husband and I for the hours of work we put in and the hours of work will have to put in to fix the mess your “knowledgeable” staff have graced us with? And the greeting we received complete with the eye rolling and burdensome sighs and gross disrespect instead of apologies. My husband and I have spent tens of thousands of dollars at Home Depot over years, but your employees have treated us as solicitors who are bothering them. Please give me one good reason that from now on I should not shop at Lowes or Harvey’s or any other store that says that it stands behind its product and actually means it? Please convince me that I should not tell all my friends and family and every contractor I deal with about the treatment I received and advise them to stay away from Home Depot. The marginal savings your store provides to customers does not compensate for the disgraceful treatment we received. I would to repeat, please make sure to send our refund in a form of a check, not a store credit since we no longer wish to shop at your store.

Company: Home Depot
Country: USA
State: Massachusetts
City: Watertown
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