Michael Mellone, Hivis Land Development Group Inc
Michael Mellone, Hivis Land Development Group Robbery without a gun! Builder Laughed all the way to the bank

Construction & Repair

We found our dream home, or so we thought. We were so excited! We gave this builder 150,000 cash, (stupidly) to build us our home.

That was 2 1/2 yrs. Ago. We were left homeless, with a then 6yr old boy. We used to dream of that house, my son was so excited that finally we were going to have a real place to call home.

The builder spent every dime of our money, we have nothing, notta The only thing that we have to show for 150,000 is a judgement against the builder and his business, in which he took out of his name everything he owned. (which wasn't much) just before he faced the judge.

Now not only did we get robbed, but mostly my son was hurt and the look in this little boy's eyes haunts me until the day that I die. I had hurt him that much, and took away his hope and dreams, for what I stupidly did to him..

We tried EVERYONE that we could think of to help us, to make this builder accountable for what he had done to us, and as I now found out to many, many, many others as well that have contacted me.

Please, please, be aware, we are disabeled, and are only on Soc. Sec.income, check things out thoroughly. Before handing out any money, no matter how much they con you, I was so naive so trusting. Here this builder has a 600,000 home while my son, has to make due with the bare neccesities in life

All of our income goes for rent. That 150,000 was my husbands inheiretence money that he received from his mother.

Just 6hrs after handing over the cash, builder bought a brand new Toyoto tunder truck, and furnishings for his home. So many families have had there life destroyed by this take the money and run and get none builder! Thank You for taking the time to read this...

Company: Michael Mellone, Hivis Land Development Group Inc
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Cocoa
Address: 6452 Flora Vista Place
Phone: 3216334107
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