Went almost one month without a proper working Refrigerator, they replaced it with one of the cheapest they had. Mine was not cheap!

Construction & Repair

Our fridge quit running on June 8th so I called the service # that was given to me by a sales rep at hhgregg. I explained that I did have a five year extended warranty and my unit was only 1 1/2 years old. They explained I was to call the repair line so I did and they scheduled me for a service call five days later! My kids are out of school for the summer and we are keeping our food in a cooler!

The tech came and told us what was wrong and he had to order the two replacement pieces. Okey I waited approx 1 week and called the hhgregg store and spoke with a csr and she said lets give it 1 more week and if it does not come then call her back and she would look into it.

Well the day before that week span was up I just called the "contracted" repair center and the girl I spoke with she looked up the information and then said Please hold on for one moment. Then the supervisor got on the phone and informed me that one of the pieces was in but the other was on National Back Order and that they could not give me a eta!!!

With two kids at home all day it gets quite expensive having to get take out every night!!! Well I started calling the hhgregg store to see if anyone could tell me anything at all, well each time I spoke to someone they would tell me that they would email the department "i believe they called it the Vendor Relations" well I was told this same story for about four days and then I was fed up and I just said "You mean to tell me that you do not even have a # for your own company!" they said no they did not have a number & that they communicated only by email. Well I just responed well that is stupid! I was to mad to even think of anything else.

Well to make the long story short I called every phone number I could get and fill their ears full, hhgregg said well we do not service the warranties that would be GE. Okey so I started to call them and again no answer finally I got through to ge and they said mam we are so sorry but the part is on National Back Order and that means that even the manufacturer does not even have the part you need. You have got to be kidding!!!

So I said can you replace the unit instead, and they said it has not come to that point yet, but I tried to explain and the rep i spoke to just kept saying well it has not been a month yet dont get all bent out of shape.By this time i was broke from take out. They explained that I needed to purchase a dorm size fridge or rent a fridge, and when they got my part that they would reimburse me up to only $125.00.

Please I did not see that in my contract and the sales rep at hhgregg sold me the warranty explained to me that if it could not be fixed that it would be replaced in a timely manor with a unit that was the closest to mine as it could get. Finally I got a phone call while at work from GE saying they were just going to replace my unit since the one i had was discontinued!

That was on Tuesday June 26th and they said that someone from hhgregg would be calling me to set up a exchange with me for a unit COMPARABLE to mine. Well no call until Thursday June 29th I got a call and my husband called me at work. So I returned the call and the lady from the hhgregg headquarters said she had two options and they were take a in store credit or take a fridge that was like mine the only thing is that was a GE instead of a LG, so I said I would go to the store after work and look at it. Then she said she was the only person that could authorize this exchange and she needed to know what I wanted to know because she would be leaving in less than a hour.

By this time she knew we were desperate for a fridge since ours has been out since June 8th and it was June 29th, I was told by the hhgregg sales rep that it would be replaced in a timely manor with one that was comparable to mine. So I spoke it over with my husband and he and I decided to have them bring me a unit she claimed was comparable to ours. It came today and when I got home from work I was so disappointed the unit looks like mine from the outside, but their are none of the special features on it like my old one. And I purchased that unit because of the extra features it had, like a door alarm and digital controls and express freeze and a built in ice trays that were on knobs to be empted. My kids loved that.

Well I called hhgregg and the manager said that was the only one like mine they had. Well before I called him I called GE the warranty company and they said it should have been replaced with a more upgraded unit and the one they brought was a basic fridge. Now they want me to pay extra for a more up graded fridge!!! What should I do.

beaver, Ohio

Company: HHGregg
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Chillicothe
Address: Chillicothe Ohio
Phone: 7407024730
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Hhgregg - GE Extended Warranty Company
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GE Warranty Management
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I was ripped off by hhgregg