Microspore tech/micro supply
Product not sent

Construction & Repair

I put an order online about the 3rd of Dec. Subsequently my partner put another purchase online about the 4th of Dec. They got the cash from our banking account about the 6th of Dec. After waiting per week i approached them put E-Mail and got no reaction. I waited a few times and approached them again but still, no reaction. Ive delivered 6 or 7 E-Mails sinse then and got no reaction. I actually named them-and REstated the entire purchases and quit my telephone number - however no reaction. Microspore technology / micro offer is just a rip-off, they grab from people put inter-net purchases. Therefore today it's become my lifes function to publish this every single day atleast twice, hoping that no body else gets scammed by microspore technology / micro offer. Cheers for taking from me microspore technology!

Company: Microspore tech/micro supply
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
  <     >  


Product not sent

Sears appliances
Consumer Report

Magic Micro Computers
Overcharged greatly

Micro Center
Excellent Service review - Service for HP PC

Micro-gems.net, power-technology. b Long Beach CA
Micro-gems.netmicro-gems.net, power-technology. Micro-Gems.net Magazine Subscription RIP OFF DO NOT FALL FOR IT

Micro Center
No Service on Extended Warranty

Micro Center Inc
Terrible Customer Service

Took my money for 3 year subscription to Rolling Stone magazine and never delivered Internet

Trend Micro
Unauthorized Charge

Lg 52x32x52 cdrw drive (defective)