Home Depot
Carpet rip off

Construction & Repair

I recently in quired about carpet at home depot. I got a bid and decided to go through with it. When i went to pay what i thought would be 1/2 down rthen 1/2 when completed i had to pay everything up front oh well no biggie, But the carpet on the original bid they were out of stock i was told i could pay more and id get an upgrade so i did. They scheduled my apointment wrong i unloaded a whole house for nothing and took off a day of work to do it it was a monday. I finally got that resolved they are scheduleing again. Now i researched the carpets quoted my so called up grade was a downgrade inferior carpet and it costed more. I called and told them i had researched it one associate said oh yes thats alot of moneey difference. I ordered the cheaper better carpet model #996hd96110 5.85 sq yard i paid for the thorough 2 chestnut 12f 8.55 sq ft. Nowi get a call from an associate telling me i have to pay an extra 50.00 i was shocked i dug farther trhe nex associate called me saying the fireworks explosion was 8.35 a foot i told them not truue i have old quote and looked it up on your own website itd 5.85 she hung up then called yet again saying well you get a refund of 37.00 dollars i told her im no idiot do the math well its still not resolved they have lied to me tried to hide things from me but i caught them red handed why wont they just do whats right and refund the difference iam thinking of cancelling my order theyve had my money nw for 3 weeks i dont like dealing with liars and cheats scott forman i need to know what to do i dont want to take them to court but maybe thats my only option the home depot is in moses lake washington i am scott forman 19477 rd z ne soap lake wa 98851 phone 5099891266 email scott22@smwireless.net or scott@irrspec.com please advise anyone

Company: Home Depot
Country: USA
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