Dell XPS 200 Desktop
I'll think twice about another Dell in the future!

Computers & Services

I purchased my Dell XPS 200 Desktop about 6 months ago. Recently, I went on vacation for two weeks. The computer was not used at all during that time. When I returned, it would not boot up and gave me an error message that a Windows file was corrupt.

Dell support sent me the O/S disk - which did NOT come with the computer - something I was a bit disturbed about.

After waiting to receive the disk, support was unable to fix the problem. The ghost, original setting also did not work. And, I had to reformat the entire drive. I lost data and spent hours on the phone with them and loading everything again.

That was only a week ago from today.

Well, right now, the same computer is overheating. A strange smell comes out of it and then it shuts down. I contacted support and they will be sending a tech some time next week to check the fans and motherboard.

Needless to say, I am disappointed by Dell. Not by the service. But by the product. XPS is their top of the line? And in 6 months I've had two major problems already?

I know that I'll think twice about another Dell in the future.

Dell is getting too big - and is making their computers cheaply now. And the growing amount of complaints all over the media and the Internet confirm that fact.

Oh yeah and one more thing: Dell is an American company. I have nothing against anybody or foreigners at all. But why is it that when I contact Tech Support, I talk to somebody in India?

Keep our jobs here for crying out loud. We certainly need them.

Company: Dell XPS 200 Desktop
Country: USA
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Tech support is a joke

Dell Computers At
Dell corporation dell, laptop

Dell Computer Corporation
Dell sells defective products

Ripoff-contact info

Dell — IOKIE
Not sure — said they were a technical support company Call from this number for technical support after contacting Dell

Dell Computer
Totally ripped off by dell. Support people are all brain dead morons Ripoff


Dell computer driver installation problems

Dell Computers

Dell computer corp
Dell Computer Corporation ripoff