Consumer Portfolio Services
Sold my vehicle in an auction after a voluntary surrender for $7,700, and collecting my extended warantee balance $847, and say that I still owe them $2,036.81, when the payoff amount was $6,985.07

Cars & Transport

I am writing regarding my account. Due to financial circumstances I was forced to do a voluntary repossession. I attempted on several occasions to contact someone from CPS to see if there was anything that could be done, whether skip a month or something so that I could try to catch up on certain household necessities and I was told that there was nothing that I could do. After speaking with SEVERAL representatives that did nothing but misinform me in everything that I was told. I finally came across Mrs. Stanford who was a real sweetheart. She tried really hard to work with me, even instructed that I take the car to CarMax to see how much they would give me and see if we can try to negotiate something. CarMax offered me $5,000 for the vehicle, at that time I faxed all of the info to Mrs. Stanford, she then discussed this with her Manager and they told me that if I could come up with an additional $1,000. Bringing the total $6,000 they would consider my account paid in full.

After several attempts I was unable to get CarMax to give me anything more than $5,000. So I had to continue with the voluntary repo. I was instructed to take the car to the dealer where it was purchased and I did just that so that I would not be charged the repossession fee. Which I am still being charged for.

Then they sell the vehicle in an auction for $7,000, and also the balance from my extended warrantee which ALL TOGETHER amounted in over $8,000.

I am asking why it is that if you were so willing to consider the account paid in full with $6,000 why after receiving more than the original negotiated amount did you guys take my remaining balance from my warrantee, and you are still expecting for me to pay $1,260.54. They charged a recovery fee when I myself drove the car to the dealer.

Company: Consumer Portfolio Services
Country: USA
State: California
Address: PO BOX 57071
Phone: 8003429243
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Universal Acceptance Corp
Uac, car hop ripped off after repossession, finally fixed after huge battle beware

Carmax will not work with you as other creditors do

CARMAX of San Antonio, Medical Drive The Salesman misrepresented the vehicles capability and then CARMAX promes to correct but lied

Carmax out to get money any way they can!

CARMAX-How buying a Car Should Be? What? Bought a SUV 5 months ago&14 repairs since I drove it off the lot

License not match VIN


Centrix Financial Or Resources
I thought when they reposses your vehicle they should give you the opporty to pay the balance? Not sell it at auction for $11,500 less that what I owed!

Doesn't Pay Fair Values For Cars They Buy. CarMax ripped me off on my car

Ripoff deceptive unsympathetic incomplete information outright lies