ASWExpress aka Jerry's Artarama
Shipping scam by ASWExpress/Jerry's Artarama - Art supplies

Cars & Transport

ASWExpress and Jerry's Artarama are under the same ownership. When you place an order, they charge you to ship with UPS, but then request UPS to transfer the order to be shipped by USPS so they can pocket just a little bit more of your money. Customer Service will lie to you about this and tell you UPS decides to do the transferring. The UPS website states the shipper makes this this request. The problem: this will add anywhere to a few days to over a week for your order to be delivered. If you complain about them not informing you of this practice, they tell you that you are certainly welcome to pay even more money for your shipping so it stays with UPS. Shining example of greed and dishonesty.

Company: ASWExpress aka Jerry's Artarama
Country: USA
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Art Supply Warehouse
Will not tell me if or when they will ship

ASW Express
ASW Express likes to short paying customers. -

Jerry's Artarama
Art supplies

Complaint on Jerry

Rv Ice Box - Jerry Collins Nucold
INC Nothing but lies, have been told several times we will ship your unit out, Never happened

Bob's Metals
Consumer Report

Jerry Hingle of SUSTA
Jerry Hingle criminal, unfair, thives, lier, kiddnapper, rappist

Jerry Hollbrooke
Jerry Hollbrook Craigslist Money Order Scam

Yarnell Art
Jerry Yarnell Art, Jerry Yarnell Dianne Yarnell and Scott are "ex" family and "ex" staff who are selling OLD art painting classes and supplies. It is fraudulent to pretend they are the real Jerry Yarnell who is an incredible teache

Jerry Hingle of Southern United State Trade Association (SUSTA)
Jerry Hingle Jerry Hingle, Brooke Parry, Bernedette Wiltz of Southern United State Trade Association are currupt, haters, rude, monkeys, pigs, cows