
Cars & Transport

Put me on the list. 16.95%, hubby laid off, I lost my job, got another, making 1/2 as before, will not adjust rate, came and got truck (repossessed). Most payments applied to interest with very little going to principle. Paid over $7000 in interest since 2001.

Company: AmeriCredit
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
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SeaWest Financial
Sea West Financial ripoff to consumers with ripoff Interest rates

Now I am wondering about my loan safety

Business Practices ripoff
Ripoff, worthless, misleading, deceptive, vague, fraudulent, unusable, software is free elsewhere

Americredit Auto Fin
High interest rate, no plan in place to help lower the reat, the company is a rip off, stay away at all cost

APM Aka Arizona Print Management Aka Gary Knight
Did not deliver as promised, Deadbeat. Liar, Did not pay as promised. Ripoff

Strikes again

Americredit Finance
Ripoff over charging late payment amounts which was not agreed in the contract

Rip us off by charging us extremely high interest rates, never aggreed to. Rates weren' t even visible to view

Americredit Financial Services
Excessive interest and fees on loan