Liberty Mutual

Cars & Transport

While at a complete stop at a yield sign during rush hour traffice, my vehicle was hit (from the rear) by a Liberty Mutual Customer.

I was dealing with Dennis Regelin (1800-208-3045 ext 206). I had decided to forgo using a personal injury attorney as they would receive 40%.

Mr. Regelin send me two envelopes to mail him medical supporting documents (ortho reports, neurosurgery reports before/after back/neck surgery).

POn 5 May, I informed Mr. Regelin the documents would NOT fit into the legal sized envelopes but Mr. Regelin stated it would reach him if taped to the front of a large manilla envelope. I informed Mr. Regelin the medical reports were incomplete as I was still undergoing treatment for my shoulder (ortho and physical therapy). Mr. Regelin informed me he would be out of the office (training) 10-14 May.

8 May, nvelope was returned to me with a stamp stating " (Unauthorized use of business mail)."

14 May, left a message on Mr. Regelin's voice mail informing him of the above.

17 May, left another message on Mr. Regelin's voice mail.

18 May, late afternoon I finally got hold of Mr. Regelin. He told me I could mail the paperwork via Express Mail on Wednesday and it would reach him in time and he would fully reimburse me for mailing.

19 May, Resent paperwork via Express Mail

24 May, Received a message (answering machine) from Mr. Regelin stating he had been out of the office and did not see the paperwork until that day and the statue of limitation had expired.

How unethical is it for Liberty Mutual to allow their people to miss a statue of limitation deadline in order to avoid any settlement payment?

Mark Harmon, Liberty Mutual Claims Manager (NAIC 111-23035) ADMITS Mr. Regelin missed the statue of limitation deadline because he was NOT in the office. Additionally, he claims Mr. Regeling had a "handler" to take care of his paperwork in his absence. I've yet to hear why this unnamed and unidentified handler did NOT handle the paperwork.

Company: Liberty Mutual
Country: USA
State: Oregon
City: Hillsboro
Address: PO Box 1839
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