United States Postal Service Ohio
Damaged, lost & unreturned mail

Cars & Transport

Within the Holiday vacation my spouse & I moved. We stuffed our issues and shipped the majority of our possessions utilizing the United States Postal Service. We were cautious to guarantee the things but one container was delivered in error without insurance on Dec. 13th. Unsure what container have been shipped we continued with this transfer getting complete satisfaction within our selection of email support considering our bundle might arrive correctly.

Your spouse and that I unpacked and that I recognized our private information, tax-return documents, bank claims, university textbooks, and marital guidance components were lacking. I asked myself. Had it been the container which was shipped in mistake? I'd simply expected the container was in the home someplace waiting to become unpacked.

Horror hit in January whenever we obtained a USPS cover without any return handle with simply our government tax statements surrounded with no contact info. Your bank claims, textbooks and guidance substance remain absent. I had been reassured with a postal consultant our bank claims could be shredded when they were broken. I would like to determine the broken products! I'm annoyed we invested big levels of profit delivery through their organization plus they have not provided us a notice or perhaps a follow-up telephone call. The only real guide we've is our possessions have now been delivered to a huge factory in Atlanta Georgia. I have been informed despite the efforts to declare our stuff-it is home of the USPS.

Company: United States Postal Service Ohio
Country: USA
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United States Postal Service Ohio
Damaged, Lost & Unreturned Mail

United States Postal Service
Awful experience

United States Postal Service
Non delivery of mail mail theft from a P.O. Box

Useless lack of information

United States Postal Service
Rips Off It's Customers package sent to ohio ends up in atlanta Georgia, never gets returned to sende

United State Postal Service Fake Postal Service Change $20.00 Rip Off for a free Service Yep I fell for it-Because it looks like the United States Postal Service

Worst company in history!

Mailing costs overpriced

Damaged and missing mail

Charged wrongfully