Payless Car Rental
Liars Guadalajara

Cars & Transport

I called before leaving San Diego for Guadalajara. My question..."What do I do about insurance?" Their answer was "liability insurance as required by Mexican law is included. You may purchase full coverage for $10.00 more per day." Great, I thought... My credit card company provides insurance on rental cars up to $50,000 for collision and theft... No reason to purchase the extra insurance!

I arrived at GDL and Payless wants to charge me $15.00/day for liability. I say no way and tell him about the conversation I had with Payless before I left San Diego. A back and forth transpires (I speak Spanish fluently, so there was nothing lost) and we end up calling customer service in the US and ask them if liability coverage is included. They tell the guy at the counter "YES, it is included, " and he still will not give in. Finally, I gave in because I had been traveling all day. He does upgrade us to a VW beetle instead of the economy we booked.

We get in the car (bone dry empty on the gas gauge) after waiting for 45 minutes for them to bring it around (there was not one other renter at the counter). I start driving and the car drives nice (that is the work of VW, not Payless). It starts raining and the windshield wiper blades are separating from the wiper itself. It rains a ton, like it does in all tropical places in the summer and I can't see anything. I have a 3 1/2 hour drive to my final destination.

I get there and my friends, who also booked a car through Payless had a similar story except their liability coverage was only $10/day.

These guys are liars... I can't wait to see what happens when I get back for the return inspection.

Company: Payless Car Rental
Country: USA
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Payless review - Rental

Payless Car Rental
PAYLESS charged me $225 extra for an economy car for one extra day and charged me airport fee thats not applicable

Payless Car Rental
Shady, Deceptive, uncomfortable, unwilling to correct problem. Payless uses clever and deceptive methods to charge you way more than you signed up for

Payless Car Rental
Charged me 325 after I had a flat! I even have the insurance!