Earnhardt Supertition Ford
Ripoff fraudulent denial to make warranty repairs

Cars & Transport

I purchased a new 2002 Ford F250 Super Duty 4x4 truck. I use my truck every day for work and on the weekend for personal use. I put over 30k miles a year on my truck. So when one of the doors on my overhead console just fell open (due to the plastic latch breaking) I did not rush right in to have it repaired. I figured I would wait for something more important to need repairing. Shortly there after the other door on the overhead console fell in my lap as I was driving. Same thing happend, the plastic hing was broken. I thought no big deal a bad plastic mold or something. I still did not take the truck in untill my batteries went dead on night. When I dropped the truck off, the service advisor told me they would probably have to order the part for the overhead console. That was a inconvenience but oh well, they cant keep everything on hand.

Later on I got a unexpected call from my service advisor that the manager of the service department refused to replace my console doors. I asked to speek to her and she told me that I had broken them so she was not going to replace them. She asked me how many miles I had on my truck and I told her approx 30k but it was only 1yr old. She said she would of replaced them for me if I would of brought it right in when it happend but not now. I told her that I did not worry about because I thought was going to be ok as long as I brought it in before the warranty ran out. I was wrong.

One other thing that makes me mad is she lied to me. She told me that if she replaced the doors, she would not be paid from Ford. I have contacted Ford about this matter and that is not the case. They leave it up to the dealerships to make the call on what is covered and what is not. If she would of replaced it they would of paid for it. I think it has more to do with monthly warranty reports. Ford also told me that I could go to another dealer and see if they would replace them. This makes no since to me. How are you to know what is covered and what is not when you buy a new vehicle. It says bumber to bumber, it should say dealer to dealer.

To this day I still have not had my doors replaced, I did not have time to go dealer to dealer and drop my truck off to see if they would replace the doors. I think this is kind of a stall tactic on Ford's part, they hope some problems will just go away if they make it hard enough on you.

Be careful buying a Ford, especially going to Earnhardt Supertition Ford.

Company: Earnhardt Supertition Ford
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Apache Junction
Address: 3400 S. Tomahawk Rd
Phone: 4804742500
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