Chase Auto Finance
Repossed my truck and didn't cancel the order!

Cars & Transport

Ok my nightmare with Chase Auto Finance began when I had a payment returned while I was in the hospital. That was in August, some how I was never notified, made a September payment no problems. Then last thursday night October 14th I get home and find a message from Chase Auto to call them immediately that night, well it is after 9:00 pm and I call anyway and get the message they are closed. I get up the next morning to find my truck gone! I didn't think it was repoed so I call the police to report it stolen, they check into and it took them 4 hours to find out it had been repoed. The local police chief was upset because he is supposed to be notified of this stuff when it is happening. Anyway finally get ahold of a live person after another 2 hours and then get told well you will have to talk to a different department about it. I get another number and then spend most of the rest of day playing phone tag only to finally get an answer 1 hour before they close what it will take to get it back and how much. I had 1 hour to western union them the money and the towing company was already closed. They were not open over the weekend. Finally on Monday October 18th they get their outrageous fees and once again the tow company wouldn't have time to let me get it until tuesday morning. Then they want $435 for fees after I have already paid Chase the same amount for repo fee! Now here I am sleeping this evening and get a knock on the door at 10:30 pm from another tow company wanting the truck! That driver informs me the repo order is still open, I showed him my reciept and said if he comes back tommorrow night he will take it! What am I supposed to do??

Company: Chase Auto Finance
Country: USA
Phone: 8888952243
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