United Parcel Service
UPS screwed Pre-Christmas Delivery - Delivery Service

Cars & Transport

I'll tell you what brown can do for you...

I live in the midwest... Illinois. Dec. 23rd... A package I depended on being here... Was on the truck scheduled for delivery to my door according to UPS tracking. The truck came, backed down my long drive and a package was left. But, NOT the one I badly needed. I thought hmmmm I know sometimes this time of season... It might be on another truck. I waited... No delivery. Then I thought well... The driver overlooked it on the truck while he was here. It will be here tomorrow, Dec. 24th...
I thought I'd just peek at the tracking of said package...

That package I needed today. Well the other day actually... Which was likely is my driveway yesterday according to UPS tracking was "out for delivery" to my house... Was in Orlando Florida at 3:37 and is now in Jacksonville Florida at 6:30 AM and still there as I type. Then it was added that my package was rescheduled for delivery, 6 DAYS LATER. Now, they got my package from here in Illinois to Jacksonville Fl. Overnight... But it takes 6 days to get it back here?

I was scheduled to leave today, Friday the 26th, late afternoon, on a trip. I cannot without this package.

I emailed UPS corporate and got a very simple matter of fact reply stating they did not know what had happened to send the package away to Florida... But it will be delivered in 6 days... So, live with it.

That my friends is what brown can do for you.

Company: United Parcel Service
Country: USA
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United Parcel Service
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United Parcel Service
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United Parcel Service
Words - 2-day