One Stop Motors

Cars & Transport

In July and August I posted my car for sale on Craigs list due to the fact that I was laid off and was unable to keep up with the car note, rent, bills etc. Around August 22, I received a phone call from a man named Joe from One Stop stating that he said that he seen my car for sale on Craigs list and stated that he could sell my car for more money faster then I would on Craigs list. First of all it is against Craigs list policy for anyone to call someone sell anything on Craigs list to sell there product, but I found this out after further researching and looking into scams going on. At first I immediately told him that I was not interested because I had been laid off and did not want to spend the money I had saved up he immediately hung up the phone. I began think and talking to my fiancé about the strange phone call I had and he stated "maybe it will be worth it if they in fact do sell your car for more money sooner, just call him back and get all the detail and information and make sure there not running a scam". So since my ad was running for a couple months on Craigs list with no response I decided to give Joe a call back, he immediately starting running game trying to convince me that if I got the $499 package, I would be able to have my car listed in all these different sites and he even stated "I guarantee that I will have your car sold within the next 4 weeks but if not I would get my money back within 6 months. I was still hesitant to do anything so he then began to tell me he was originally from Waterbury, CT and he would do everything in his power to help anyone from his home town and community, and that it would be a way to give back to his community. Still hesitant, he guided me through all these different websites from ebay, to BBB, to

All the positive postings that were listed on After seeing all that I decided to give it a shot and he immediately took my credit card information and within seconds the money was already charged off my debit card. I went online and continued searching for more information about this business and to my surprise I found nothing but bad rating and bad comments about this business, in fact I did not find not one positive thing about them. I immediately called my bank and tried to cancel but the money had already been charged. I then called them back immediately the same day and spoke to the ruddiest lady there named Karen. I told her I wanted to cancel everything immediately and she refused then she asked why I wanted to cancel I stated "because of all your terrible ratings with the BBB and online". She then stating every business gets bad rating and used Toys R us as an example. I then stated, "I'm not shopping at Toys R us so I need a refund immediately", she still refused. I began getting really upset and asked to speak with a manager she stated there was no one else that would speak to me or that can help me and right from there I know it was all a scam. So all I could do now was to post my pictures, log on and wait the 6 month period to get my money refunded, so I did. I took pictures of my car and emailed it to them. I called the next day to follow up with the status of my pictures being uploaded on there site they then told me it would take a few days to upload because they would need to get the full description of the vehicle. I waited a week or so and called them back and Karen happened to answer the phone. Karen then walked me through to show me the pictures and how to log in so she walked me through all the steps and everything. We reviewed everything together to make sure that everything listed was correct and she answered all my questions.

About 3 weeks went by and I had not heard back so I logged on and called Karen back and I got a voice mail so I left a message on Karen's voice mail asking her or someone to give me all call back. This went on every month for the next 4 months I never got through to anyone and no one ever got back to me after leaving message after message, never received not one call back! In January I then decided to call as a person who wanted to buy a vehicle from them, a man answered the phone I asked for his name I wrote it down and asked him exactly when my contract expires he told me February 26, I explain to him my concern and what my issue was and how I never received a call back after leaving several messages but he was not a bit concerned. Because, I had lost all trust for this business and all the scammers working there I called again in February just to verify that my contract expired on the 26th, Karen answered the phone so I asked her exactly when my contract expired she told me the 22nd. I told her the other guy told me the 26th and I wanted to make sure I had the accurate date because I was filling out the paper work to get my refund, she then got very nasty and rude with me and stated I already told you it's the 22nd. I then told her well it's hard for me to believe anything anyone of you because all of you are liars, untrustworthy and scammers. I then proceeded to ask her why where none of my calls returned from her after leaving so many messages, she disregarded me and was trying to end the conversation to hang up. I then asked to speak to a manager; she stated "there is no one hears that can assist you". I asked to speak to the owner, CEO or President of the company she still refused, so I began yelling at her she hung up on me. I called back about 3 more time she hung up on me every time. When she seen that I was not going to stop calling she then put me through to someone’s voicemail and again I left another message and again no response.

I then sent out me request to receive my refund back on February 24th and had USPS add tracking and a signature confirmation to it. I received the signature back stating that it was received March 1. On March 12, I received a letter in the mail back stating that my request was denied because I had never logged into my account. I could not believe this and I immediately call them. Rude Karen answered as always, I asked to speakk to the warrantee department she said they didn't have anyone in that department that I could speak to I asked to speak to a manager, she then again stated there was no manager that I could speak to but could she help me with anything and I said most likely not but told her my problem and how I was denied my money back. She the stated, "well I'm sorry but that's there decision and there is nothing you or I can do about it", I even asked to speak to Joe and he was never available to speak to me. I began to get really upset and yelled at her she hung up on me twice. The 4th time I called and a man answered the phone he seemed to be a bit friendlier, but stated the dame thing.

I am requesting to get my money back in full or get together with more people that have gone threw hell like I did with this company and sue them and take them out of business forever; these people need to be arrested. Please post my story on your website and share with anyone that would like to get in touch with me to build a cause against them. Thank you in advance for your time.

Company: One Stop Motors
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
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