I was told that I was lying and she threatened to sue me!


I called Software-HQ company billing office (800 784-3167) to inquire about a charge on my VISA bill June 7 for $52.92 from them, and to see about a refund. I explained that I had never ordered anything and that I thought that I was only getting a free trial from Photo Shop, but was never able to download anything. I said that I never received any product. Karen... Said, "you ordered something or we wouldn't have charged you. Don't call here giving false information and hung up on me."

I called and asked for billing and again explained the situation. "If Karen can't help you than, I can't. Karen is the owner, and I can't go against her. She was so rude and accused me of lying. I told her "I'm so glad that I was recording this the way which she's talking to a customer." "You better not, or we'll sue you. She said that was illegal and I said no more illegal than what you are doing, charging people for nothing. She again threatened to sue me. I said, "please do; I would love to have a court hear this. Meantime, I'll call BBB and report you." She said, "We have nothing to do with BBB; they can't touch us." She hung up!!!

I called very nicely and calmly and just wanted to know what product I had been charged for. She said I have no idea, you need to get in touch with tech support." When I asked for their number, I was told that I would have to email them. I said, I had already tried that but never heard back from anyone. I said, " I just want to talk with someone and find out what I ordered." She said, "Karen, can I hang up on this lady?" She did!!!

Then, I called VISA and was offered the opportunity to dispute this charge. I was told that my account will be credited $52.92 and charged to the Software-HQ company who would have to prove that I owed the fee.

I called HQ back and asked to speak to Karen. I was put on hold and was then told she is on another line. I said that I will just hold. "We can't allow you to hold." and asked if I would like to leave a message..."Yes, please tell her that my money will be refunded from VISA and that it will be up to her to prove the charge is legitimate." she replied, "We have no problem with that, and hung up on me again.!!!

I then documented this conversation!

Immediately, I received an email from Software-HQ

Dear Customer,

Per your request we have cancelled your account and issued a full refund minus the $5.99 USD processing fee as stated in the terms and conditions. Please allow 2-10 business days for the refund to post to your account.

Software-HQ Support

My reply was:

Too little; too late.
Here is your copy of the discussions between us. (I emailed them the documentation with this reply) And I am livid enough after being treated as I was by your staff to take other measures, so that this never happens again to another customer. Your web site is very deceptive. I have never been treated as rudely as I was by you. This is not considered good business. Believe that this letter will be distributed.

You threatened to sue me after calling me a liar!!!
Then you immediately offer a refund, minus a "processing fee"?
That won't nearly cover the pain from the migraine and the rise in my blood pressure or the tears that you caused.

At least I was promised a partial refund which should be a victory.
But people like this need to be reported, so that it doesn't continue.

Company: Software-HQ
Country: USA
Phone: 8007843167
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