Auto Repair Warranty, Inc., Auto Repair Group, LLC
One year into a four year after market warranty, company out of buisness. Cowards refuse to call me back!

Cars & Transport

On January 06 I purchased an after market auto repair warranty from auto repair warranty, inc. Out of Fairview Park, Ohio. Paid $1099 for 54,000 miles or 48 months (whichever comes first)
One year later, Jan. 06 had need to contact them for pre-approval before taking my vehicle in for "check engine light". This in accordance with their contract policy. Called toll free numbers available and left messages several times over next week, as well as couple of e-mails. No response!!!
Filed report with B.B. B Cleveland. Company responded to B.B. B telling them their phones have been experiencing problems for one or two weeks. And told B.B. B that I should have sent them a fax or e-mail. That I did not follow procedure.
Now, as of Jan. 16, Nobody from this "cowardly fraud of a company" has yet to call me back. Their phones are now "out of service", and their web site is still up. Quite possibly still ripping us off!!!

Company: Auto Repair Warranty, Inc., Auto Repair Group, LLC
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Fairview Park
Address: 21300 Lorain ave suite #2
Phone: 8886455040
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Auto Repair Warranty, Inc
A Division of Auto Repair Group, LLC Auto Repair Warranty Ripoff

Auto Repair Warranty, Inc., Auto Repair Group, LLC
Auto repair group LLC Ripped off by Auto repair warranty, Ohio

Auto Repair Warranty, Inc., Auto Repair Group, LLC
A division of Auto Repair Group, LLC Phones are not connected

Auto Repair Warranty, Inc., Auto Repair Group, LLC
Auto Repair Group, LLC I purchased an extended warranty on my vehicle for $1,200.00 from this company in 2008 only to find out now they are out of business

Auto Repair Warranty
Ripped me off! Bought policy, now company is gone!

Auto Repair Warranty - Auto Repair Group
Great Experience, Never a problem and down to earth business people

Auto Repair Warranty, Inc., Auto Repair Group, LLC
This Company creates fake cause of engine problem so they do not have to pay!

Auto Repair Warranty, Inc., Auto Repair Group, LLC

Auto Repair Warranty, Inc., Auto Repair Group, LLC
A Division of Auto Group, LLC Auto Repari warranty

Auto Repair Warranty, Inc., Auto Repair Group, LLC
Paid 1399.00 for warranty can't contact them