United Parcel Service
Delivery time

Cars & Transport

Our puppyis pain medicine was requested and scanned for shipping on 12/22/09 for 3-morning select company through UPS. I called UPS recently (12/28) to discover when it'd be shipped & was informed it'd be here today. After waiting athome all day long, I had been subsequently informed it'dnot be here till tomorrow. The phone call centre woman linked me to Jones in Portland, who explained there is no means I really could choose it-up today. Our puppy wants his medications today! I can't remain home a later date! 8-day shipping is absurd for 3-time select.

Company: United Parcel Service
Country: USA
State: Oregon
City: Portland
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United Parcel Service
Fraud and cheating

United Parcel Service
Worst part is the customer service and the locations are not even connected enough for proper communication

United Parcel Service
UPS - package delivery

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UPS - United Parcel Service UPS Screws up the delivery and to add insult refuse to refund the delivery charge!

United Parcel Service
Awful company

United Parcel Service
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United Parcel Service
Incredibly poor service

United Parcel Service
Simply awful

United Parcel Service
Wasting my time for waiting for the delivery - suit