Capital One Auto Finance
Harship Program is not really harship don't attempt it unless you have little debt and at least 1500 a month coming in accodring to Rep

Cars & Transport

So mny step son was diagnosed with a major medical condition which resulted in a number of trips from our hometown to another city with the hospital who specializes in his condition. This along with medications resulted in my falling behind with the car payments. Each time Cap 1 called I explained my situation and was told ok well try to make the payment and the additional one to bring you current. I thought to myself why not just offer some type of financial assistance.

So then to top things off my husband losese his job and he was the main source of our income as I had a pt job and was lucky to get that in this economy. But even though I was behind I still manged to make a payment, I was just behind. Again with the calls, now with this new information they told me to still try and make the adtl payments and isn't there family who cared about me that I could borrow the money from. My husband decided to move to another state who wasn't suffering from the economy as bad as our's was.

By this time we have very little income coming in (unemplyment was denied) we are out of the rental we were at and he is already gone up to the new state to look for work. Cap 1 is still calling and I explained what the plans were and the rep told me what made me think that by moving my life was going to get any better. I complained about him not sure if it did any good though. So now i'm here with hubby and still making payments. But at this point I am 3 months behind. Hubby has his job which is why I left mine and moved on up.

SO i finally get a rep who tells me why don't you try for our hardship program. Oh finally get this offere so I said sure. It took me two days to get ahold of this dept becuase apparently they are always in group meetings and we need to try back in an hour. So i get the app work on it all weekend. I want to make sure everything they ask for is provided. I doubled checked everything.

Now I've looked at other consumer complaint sites and everyone who was sent to the hardship dept deals with a Kim or I should say we are given a name Kim. No one has ever talked to this Kim. So i submitted the app called the very next day and I'm told Kim is in the hospital. Ok not good to hear but then again is there a Kim. So the rep I am speaking to said they received the fax great I thought so far so good! Then the person hits me with it (I was ready for it though and I laughed the entire time after) we apparently don't have enough income to qualify and we have to much debt!

Now I was always taught that hardship was someone with not enough income coming in and a lot of debt going out. So I was confused when the rep told me we didn't qualify. I had to laugh. Apparently the little income I have coming in now would have qualified if it was "stable" income. Then the rep chewed me out for not including my child support but I never think to include that in anything becuase not a lot of programs ask for it. I was just thinking about my income and hubby's. Then the rep pulled a credit report and said that my student loans were active and I had to include them as well.

I exp I was in the middle of getting them deffered and the rep said well their not so we're including them in your debt. THen the rep said well why don't you pay off some of these credit cards you sure do have a lot of them. (To be honest we don't have that many and we like many other Americans did need them for work and groceries to get by) Why don't you go to a consumer credit group (I've worked with one before and will never work with one again). So the end result was 1) we didn't make $1500 2) we have to much debt they require 40-50% debt to income ratio.

Now I understand policies etc but seriouly this is the most horrendous hardship program I have ever heard of. The rep went on to say well we are looking out for you and want to make sure that your able to make all your other payments. Lies all lies if you ask me. The rep did slip up a few times first saying that after the deferment I would qualify then later on said that no I still would not qualify. So I sit here still trying to make payments.

Fresno, California

Company: Capital One Auto Finance
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Plano
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