CIT Bank - CIT Group - Consumer Finance, Inc
CIT FinancialCIT Bank - CIT Bank - CIT Group - Consumer Finance, Inc, Subsidiary Of CAPITOL ONE TOLD TO DEFER PYMT, THEN DENIED, NOW SUING

Business & Finance

I was laid off from my job, so I contacted CIT to see if I qualified for a deferrment. They said, "certainly, I could get three." I was told that in order to get the deferrments, I had to wait until the first payment was 60 days past due, then call in and tell them I wanted it deferred. I asked them, "I wont be denied when I am already behind at that time, will I?" I was told, "Oh, no, should be no problem."

So, I waited until Nov and Dec payments were past, called in like I was told to, and was promptly denied. I was then told that I may qualify for reduced payments to help during the job loss. Ok, see if I qualify. They then came back and said that since my unemployment was done that I could not get lower payments. The reasoning was that I would not be able to make the lower payment. I told CIT that I get child support, that would cover it, and they said, "Sorry, not enough."

Now it is April, they have called every day, every 10 minutes, I have taken to screening all calls, so now they call from a "blocked" number. I contacted them once again and told them that I could send in a weekly amount to catch it all up, and they said, "well that is good, but we still have to file a lawsuit, company policy." I said I wanted to speak to a manager, and they refused to transfer me to anyone else. I explained repeatedly to the woman that I had written, called, emailed to work out a solution, but I needed them to work with me, too. She said the only solution they could offer me was if I paid the entire amount due at once.

I reminded her that I was not working, but my husband's income makes the payments, but I need them lowered, and she told me that they would not consider his income, only mine. I said that I should just cancel the weekly payments going to them if they are going to sue me anyway, and she said, "no, no, it lowers the amount of the lawsuit." No matter what I do to try to work this out, they deny everything that they offer; no deferrments, even tho I was told I qualify for three, no lower payments, even tho I was told I qualify for those. They also inflated the interest rate to 23%, so I can never catch up, and now they will be adding attorney and court costs. She did tell me that "once it goes to a third party collections agency, they can set up payments with me." But I am paying it, infact, I have always sent in extra on my payments each month.

Company: CIT Bank - CIT Group - Consumer Finance, Inc
Country: USA
State: Oklahoma
City: Oklahoma City
Address: 715 South Metropolitan, Suite 150
Phone: 8882482758
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