Budget Transmission
Fraud, Fraud, Fraud, that's all there is to it!

Cars & Transport

The transmission was leaking in my 1998 Pontiac Sunfire in June of 08. I was low on funds and wanted to get the best "deal" possible. We shopped around a little bit, and decided to go with Budget Transmission. They were going to rebuild my transmission and I would be saving about $300. Little did I know, it was the biggest and most costly mistake I could have ever made.

While, they were "working" on my car for three days, they called to inform me that something was wrong with my radiator. It would cost me $300 to fix. The exact amount I was saving!!! According to them, there wasn't much I could do at this point.


That's only the first of my problems. I got the car back and realized that my car wouldn't reverse. Also, my oil was leaking from a cracked oil pan. I took it back in only to be told that there was nothing wrong and it worked fine for them. I don't know whether they actually fixed it or it began to work on its own (probably the later) but the problem went away. They also explained to me that they had nothing to do with the oil pan, but I know better. There were no leaks or cracks in the oil pan previous to its visit at Budget.

Well, this past weekend I had the oil changed in my car by a mechanic friend. He informed me that the transmission was leaking and I needed to take it back to Budget immediatly. My warranty was about to expire so I made sure to go there today.


Ding Ding Ding!!! We have a winner. Tell her what she's won Bob. An unfixed car and $1500 less.

I'm moving back to Illinois in two weeks. My car can't go with me or we have to pay more to put it on a trailer. Guess you win Budget. Thanks for taking advantage of me and my family. You are real winners in my book!
In Disbelief

Company: Budget Transmission
Country: USA
State: Wyoming
City: Cheyenne
Address: 1116 Hugur Avenue
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