Just Brakes
Shotty Brakes Caused An Accident, bait and switch rip-off scam

Cars & Transport

Beware of Just Brakes. They are the most dishonest company I have ever had the displeasure of dealing with. They bait and switch, don't give the products you pay for, and do terrible work. They quoted me on the phone $247.00. I got a quote in writing of $249.00. They called in the middle of the day to aske if we wanted upgraded pads. We said no.

When we picked our car up, the total was$525.06! They claim they got authorization from that phone call. Thats just not true. My husband was driving Ford Taurus we had just picked up from Just Brakes. He drove out of the parking lot, around the corner, stepped on the brakes and found that he had NO BRAKES! He rear ended the car in front of him. Our car is totaled. He had our 8 year old son in the car. Thankfully, they were more shaken than hurt, but our son was really traumatized by this.

I immediatly called Just Brakes and spoke with Russ, who blew me off and said it was driver error. My husband is a police officer who has earned the safe driver award 4 years in a row. He is a certified driving instructor and certified braking instructor for the police department. If he could not make that car stop, no one could. We have a witness stating that he saw my husband doing everything possible to stop the car. There are no skid marks at the scene. The brakes just didn't work. Now Just Brakes refuses to return my phone calls or e-mail.

They will not refund my money. They are rude to me when I call. They did not give me the new rotors they charged me for. They are just horrible. I am not asking for huge ammounts of money for damages. I just want whats fair. I want my money back. They will never get a bit of buisness from my family, which is quite large, ever again.

I hope you read this before going to get brakes. They told me, "sometimes new brakes just don't work." So what did I pay $525.06 for anyway?

Company: Just Brakes
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
Address: 4381 W. Bell Rd
Phone: 6023759988
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