Finance Company Ripoff

Cars & Transport

I purchased my car in September 08 I noticed that I paid 5 months of payments but my amount is barely moving. The total purchased price was 21,100 and I noticed today that my my current balance is 20,000. I am very irate the moment I can refinance my car I will. If my balance doesnt start to go down before I am able to refinance AmeriCredit will have a law suit. If their is anyone else that would like to be involved please do not hesitate to contact me. AmeriCredit is wrong for what they are doing it is hard enough to pay things these days but it makes it even harder when a company is wripping you off.

New buyers beware!!!

west chester, Pennsylvania

Company: AmeriCredit
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: West Chester
Address: 495 Lynetree
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