Julian Durocher, Charles Fletcher, Robert Fisher
2006 Toyota Tacoma on Autotrader.com for $5,499.00

Cars & Transport

I was looking for a Tacoma to purchase when I found what I thought was too good to be true, but decided to try my luck anyway. I was searching on autotrader.com when I came across a seller with a 2006 Toyota Tacoma (White double cab, extended bed) listed for $5499.00!!! I decided to contact seller with the # they provided on autotrader, when I called, It was out of service, So then I emailed seller. This was about 8PM. The next morning I recieved an emial from Julius Durocher stating that he is selling the vehicle at that price b/c of a divorce settlement. Well now I think I should go and play the lotto, b/c this is really some kind of luck I'm having!!! NOT!!!

Anyway, we go back and forth b/c I want to know absolutely everything about this wonder vehicle and make sure there is no mechanical probs or anything of that nature before I purchase. The next thing is that he says it is a first come first serve, cash only sale. So I live in NY, thinking I gottA get to VA (where the vehicle is listed in) fast! I ask him if I can come and see the vehicle in person and I also ask about five times for a working telephone # b/c I like to talk to a person so much more than a computer... He gives me another # that still is out of service and then says that he is in Austin and that he had 2 other deals, one never showed and the other lost the cash and that If I want it to give him my full address and phone # and it is mine!

So in my own little stupid world, I'm thinking here take all the info you need and I emailed him back. Soon after, an email comes from EbayMotors, which now I know was a fake webaddress created for this specific scam. It gave Julian's name and my information along with an escrow agent's name (Charles Fletcher) and the head office address of the real ebay in San Jose California.
The instructions were to go to a moneygram, which they so conievingly placed a link in the said email, with a link to the nearest monygram provider to me. I gathered the cash and went and sent out the moneygram.

About one hour later, I got a call from a Robert Fisher saying that he works with Charles and to fax a copy of the reciept to the 1800 507 4194 # they provided and then they will release the already packed vehicle from the packing yard and ship it to me... Oh by the way, Julian said that the shipping cost was on him!!! And that I had 5 days after recieving it to decide if i wanted it and if I didnt, the shipping cost to return would also be on him!!!

I feel like such a loser for believing all of this crap, but it can happen to anyone, especially first time buyers of anything online, like myself. After the fax of the reciept, Fisher called back and sid that there is a hold on the cash from moneygram, just call them and have them release it, he sounded so worried and was making me even more anxious. I called moneygram and even got upset with them because they were refusing to release the funds!!! God bless them so much for giving such a fight.

They alerted me that there has been a lot of scams like this going on. They said if you are dealing with ebay, the only payment plan they alow is paypal and NEVER EVER do cash transactions, because it is not traceable. They also said how would I know if someone didngt just post a pic of a car online and is trying to trick you out of your hard earned money? I was convinced and allowed them to refund me back the cash and tehy gave me a new receipt # so the other one that was faxed was useless to whom ever had it.

At this point Fisher called me back and asked if I got it released, I said that they are holding it due to some scams that are going on. I emailed Julain and asked if he could do the transaction through paypal, he said to get my cash and take it to awestern unioun now... (big uhhohh) At this point I knew that god saved me from being totally ripped off almost $6000.00 after fees and all. I think he was starting to figure out I knew there was a rat amounst us and started to slow down on his email responses. I then told him that ebay does not allow any cash transfers, its against their policy, to go online and READ IT on EBAY.com, the real one. So he said to email him a copy of the mneygram reciept to prove that I have the cash and he will shipp the tacoma to me, so I did, but the old one with ther reciept # thatwas useless, now I was playing him at his own game, and he wasn't winning!!! He didn't reply, at this point i figured he was at a moneygram trying to clear the funds and got denied, I sent another email.

Now I was kind of nagging on purpose and asking when will I recieve the vehicle I need to know ASAP to take time from work to recieve it and blah balh blah... He then replies that ebay is not helping him anymore b/c someone tried to steal the money and to come with cash to his house to pick up the tacoma b/c he had it returned... Who does that??? (the one trying to steal was you JULIAN YOU USELESS THIEF!) So i sent him back this"Sorry julain about all of this trouble, but I have never done this before so I need you to explain exactly what I am to do. How do I get the money back from money gram? And where are you exactly? Your vehicle was listed in Autotrader.com as being in VA, now you are in TX, the vehicle was registered in FL. And I was supposed to pay through ebay. How does that work? If you are listed with autotrader, why am I paying through ebay, a totally different company??? I am in NY, am I supposed to come all the way to Texas? I thought you were going to ship it to me, all costs taken care of by you? I have also given you my phone # numerous times and asked for a working one of yours and you still have not given me one. I had to deal with several different people (Charles Fletcher and Robert Fisher) that were not you and have gotten absolutely no where! What is deal, or is this some kind of game. You saw that I have the cash ready to go, so the ball is in your court Julain. Stop changing stories on me.

Have a good day."
he replies: just take you're money back from where you sent it, and we'll talk after"

And I reply: Okay, I actually just went to the moneygram and will get the cash tomorrow, since the place is closed for business at 6PM. What is your address in Texas, I am looking at tickets as we speak. And what is your phone #, so that I can contact you when I get there. I am looking at a flight that will arrive at 3:15PM tomorrow afternoon. Also if possible, send me some pics of the engine too.
Should I fly into Austin or Houston?"

I was just B*S-ing with him to get him alittle nervous,

The bottom line is that we get too excited at deals we know are too good to be true. Nothing in life ever comes easy and we should learn from each other's mistakes.

I should have caught on to this from the very beginning... How could you have something listed on autotrader.com and ask for payment through ebay, but never actually pay through ebay, but through moneygram???

Anyone out there that comes into contact with anyone of these scumbags, please stay away and if you are brave enough, lets do something to teach these guys a lesson... I am taking my experience to my local police precinct, you can also give these creeps what they deserve!!!

South Ozone Park, New York

Company: Julian Durocher, Charles Fletcher, Robert Fisher
Country: USA
State: California
City: San Jose
Phone: 3233194897
Site: julichers77er@gmail.com, checkout@ebay-billing.com
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