Drive Financial
Harassing calls put my money on someone elses account Dallas texas

Cars & Transport

I purchased a vehicle from drive almost 2 years ago and I have been harrassed by them ever since. Calling my work 4-5 times a day. Got so bad my co workers told them i wasnt working there any longer and they still call. I fell a few days behind a couple of times but always catch up within the month never been a month late. And then when i got my car i wasnt married and i got married a year ago so my last name on the account is different now and i mailed them 2 checks after i got married and instead of using my account number i wrote on the checks they used my married name on the checks and put my payments on someone elses account twice this happened. So i had so get a copy of the checks fax to themand it took about 2 weeks for them to credit my account and in the meantime 2 men came to repo jeep liberty belonging to the girl with my same name and i told them i have a concorde no liberty they did not believe me made me show a license and all. Then they came back a second time about a week later still looking for the liberty all because some body took my new married name off my check instead of my account number and we both have same name. And when i called to tell them what ahppened they acted like oh wwe would never use just the name well apparently someone did or my account would of been credited instead of the other womans.

Company: Drive Financial
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Address: drive financial
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