Just Brakes
Just brakes bait and switch scam on me

Cars & Transport

My sister went to just brakes tonight on 6-20-08 to get the $99 break job. When she got there they took of her wheels they told her she needed calipers and springs also. And she did not know what to do so when they were done she went to check out and they told her a price of $350.00 wow what a scam they pulled on her. She called me crying profusally and i told her to calm down she is pregnant and they took advantage of her and she spent money that they did not have to spend and she was crying so much she was trying to puke talking to me on the phone. When she looked at the receipt it said they carged her for suggested itmes that she agreed to. She was told she needed these itmes they were not offered to her as a suggestion. She feels she was scammed and is very upset. And she left her house a little while after she had the brakes done to get a soda to seattle her stomcah and. The brakes went all the way to the floor and she rolled out onto the highway luckly she was not hurt... But she has no brakes and this is her only car. We are worried she can not take the car up to just brakes on 331cooper in arlington tx to get the repairs this is a danger to her and her unborn baby... We feel she was scammed and how dare they scam a preganant lady who has very little money and one child who is a special needs child and needs a lot of her funds spent to take of his needs. Not to mention the danger she is in with no brakes after spend that amount of money to have good brakes to keep her and her family safe..

Company: Just Brakes
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Arlington
Address: 331 Cooper Street
Phone: 8174574002
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