Bargain Network / Price Store
Charged me twice and simply refused to return the money

Cars & Transport

They cahrged me twice and promised to return the money and did not refund the money. They lied and when i called back they blame it on me that I signed up for it. I told them that I signed up because i received an email from them and it said cars for $500.00 Thats the only one I signed up for and require my refund and they simply said no that there can be no refund. I want them to refund the second charge of $39.80 from july 23.

Company: Bargain Network / Price Store
Country: USA
State: California
City: Goleta
Address: 6330 Hollister Avenue
Phone: 8003331915
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Bargain Network, Legal Shield, Easy Saver, Price Store
Bargain network and its affiliates made unauthorized transactions ripoff

Encore Marketing & Bargain Network & Money Edge

AOL Music Now
Time Warner - TWX ripoff dishonest fraudulent billing signed me up for secondary service

Simply rest
They do not want to refund 100% of the purchase price of the bed I am returning due to faulty air mattress

Dish Network
Refund Run-Around - Dish Network

United Christian Financial takes money and runs with it (not literally) ripoff

Angel Pin Creations
Returned materials for refund, employee signed for, no refund given

Resales Buy Owner
Violated the terms of the contract regarding refunds - then lied to the Better Business Bureau about sending my refund!
Work at Home Scam! They promised services that did not receive & refund in 45 days & didnt receive

Cingular Wireless
Pay As You Go direct lie about service Ripoff