DriveTime Harry Hines In Dallas
General Manager Of The Store And Corporate Office DriveTime Harry Hines Dallas once again sold an overly expensive car that didnt work then lied about fixing it. Big surprise

Cars & Transport

Do yourself and your friends and your family a big favor and tell everyone you know about this crooked ill managed company that is notorious for selling desperate individuals over priced crappy cars and that break or were broken to begin with, lying about it and saying that the cars are fine, then not fixing them when they are proven to be slimy liars who sell crappy cars. They are the Sub-Prime lenders of car dealers. Just save up your money and buy a car cash if you have bad credit.

Here is my annoying and expensive story:

On January 28th I purchased a 2005 Mazda6 from the Harry Hines DriveTime dealership in Dallas Texas. The vehicle came with a factory Bose stereo system which seemed fine in the 5 minutes I had test drove it and I naively took the promises of the dealership that it was in perfect working condition and purchased the vehicle, and was given a 6,000 warranty in case anything did come up to be wrong with the vehicle. Upon driving it for a longer time (around 30 minutes) the cd player in the car began to cut in and out of the speakers and then quit working altogether.

I didn't feel like this would be to big of an issue to fix because of the warranty, and I called the dealership the next day and they did in fact referred me to the warranty dept. Whom referred me to a car repair place in Fort Worth called Fort Worth Auto Repair. Upon speaking with the car repair place they told me they did not even fix stereos and that stereo's were not under the warranty anyway.

Of course I was concerned at that point and called the dealership again, who reffered me to the same warranty dept. I told them what had happened and they said that was not right and to call them again. So I called them AGAIN, and they told me that they absolutely did not cover stereos and that I would have to call the GM of the dealership. I asked them if they could call him because the dealership seemed to be confused and I was just sick of dealing with them on the issue, so I stayed on the line while the warranty man left a message for the non responsive GM of the store.

I finally got a hold of the GM and he gave me a verbal promise to repair the stereo and an acknowledgement that they sold me a faulty car and that it would be repaired. As of today, I have gone back and forth with both the salesmen at the dealership, the General Manager at the dealership, the warranty departments AND the corporate office all promising me they will fix the problem. It has now been 30 days and every phone call I make to the car dealership in the last two weeks has been blown off, or the GM has "not been available". I have filed a complaint with the BBB and with complaint and beyond seeking legal action I feel like I have done just about everything I can to get these guys to fix the car they assured me was in perfect working condition when I purchased an attempt to get a return phone call I even sent a fax to the dealership letting them know that I would be coming into the dealership and expected someone to acknowledge that they are even attempting to fix the problem and that if not, then I would like to return the vehicle and I expect the necessary refunds. When I came into the shopthe sales guy proceeded to call me a B* and even while I was standing in the dealership they promised they would look into the matter and get back to me, never heard from them.

I have now done a bit of research and found that I am not alone. This company as a whole has insulted, lied to and ripped off more people than I can even count. People that have taken the time to document it. There are countless complaints to the BBB that have not been resolved, as well as on I am a single girl and was not smart enough at the time to look at these things before signing on the dotted line, but that still does not give someone the right to blatantly rip another person off. It has literally been the most insulting customer service to give to someone paying what will be around 21,000 dollars on a product. This is probably the worst customer service I have ever received, and I regret ever using this dealership. I am still seeking repair for my vehicle.

I believe this company should be exposed. Right now a lot of people are experiencing bad dept due to the housing market and failing economy. I don't want other people to take the promises of sleazy car dealers just to be able to get a mode of transportation to get back and forth to work everyday, or get their families from place to place.

It is dispicable and I don't know how these guys can sleep at night. I really do hope what goes around comes around. I really hate getting ripped off. The stereo system will cost over 700 dollars to replace.

Ripped off in texas
Fort Worth, Texas

Company: DriveTime Harry Hines In Dallas
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Dallas
Address: 10501 HARRY HINES
Phone: 2143507244
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