Drive Financial

Cars & Transport

I fell behind in my payments a guy called from drive to ask why and i explained my situation. He told me i could defer 2 payments if i could send them $200 in a few days i agreed. He told my next pymt would be on july 14.

Well on july 3rd i get a statment in the mail saying im $1087.11 behind so i called drive immediately. The lady i spoke with said i was denied the deferment. I asked why i wasnt notified so i could of made my regular pymt in june. She tried to tell me i wasnt guaranted a deferment. I know what the gentlemen promised me they need to get there stuff straight stop promising people stuff they offe

Company: Drive Financial
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Dallas
Address: Po Box 660633
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Drive Financial
Offered deferment to me and come to find out they have turned my car over to collections for repossesion. Ripoff

Drive Financial
Ripped me off for car and payoff money

Drive Financial Service
Issues Deferment then applies new past due amount Ripoff

Drive Financial
Lied about a deferment to get money!

Drive Time
Refuses to give me my title/made final payments

Consumer Portfolio Services
Try to repossess

Drive Financial
DRIVE FINANCIAL Dishonest and Fraudulent Billing ripoff

Drive Financial
Liars cheats and thiefs

Drive Financial
Be careful deferred 2 payments without permission charging 23.99%

Peak 5-FlatIron-Centrix
Discouraged and Disillusioned