Ameristar Financial Services
Illegal repossesion ripoff

Cars & Transport

This Jerk Bill Dunn has had my truck repossed, by a company called AAR here in california, after me owning my truck for 5 years, and paying a total of $22.000 dollars on it, he wrote me a letter saying, pay up $1,555.00 dollars, which includes repossesion fee, and I can get that back. He says I own $2,875.00 more on account, and if I dont pay it in full hes going to sell it in 15 days.

I dont owe this guy anything who says he bought my truck contract 5 months ago, in which I sent him 4 payments through certified mail, totaling $2400 dollars he says part of my debt was a add on for not having insurrance the year of 2004 he added another $1500 dollars he didnt even own my contract in 2004.

He tried to rip me off for more money, saying my car note was like a mortgage payment, each month interest gets added on, now my 1998 blazer is sitting in a repo lot, waiting for him to come from Illinois to pick-up. I registered my truck a month ago its still showing the original Lien Holder, on it not this guy. I know hes commited a Crime by pulling something like this. I just need to prove it. I was happy my 5 year contract was now about to be over, he tells me it could go a lot longer, and has now stolen my vehicle from me. What should I Do?

Company: Ameristar Financial Services
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Libertyville
Address: 1795 N. Butterfield Rd Suite 200
Phone: 8007841535
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