Drive Time
Location of Corporate Headquarters ripoff to so many including employees

Cars & Transport

For all of those who have been victimized by the scam outfit known as Drive Time, I just wanted you to know where their "corporate headquarters" are located. They are in a building located at 4020 East Indian School Rd with no sign on the building (wonder why?). I have not personally been a victim of their scams but I did interview for a position with this "company" before learning what a disreputable organization they are.

Thankfully, I did not continue to pursue employment with them when I found out about them from this wonderful site. So to file your lawsuits, picket or burn them like they did eveyone else - 4020 East Indian School Rd is the place. Tell Greg Ciccolini I said hello.

Company: Drive Time
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
Address: 4020 East Indian School Rd
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