Hansen Motors
Ripoff, fraudulent, spread rumors about us in town, had our car reported stolen when it was in transition

Cars & Transport

My Finance purchased a VW Passat at above dealer. I realized they had made an error, the Bank of America agreed they had made an error and pulled the contract from them.

They were supposed to pay me 10,000.00 instead they reported the car stolen, spread lies all over town about us, broke into our house to try to accuse us of identity theft. They had my fiance arressted, they keep post poning the court date as they dont have enought evidence. They ran my daughter off the road and wrecked her car. They slammed on thier breaks in front of my fiance and wrecked his car.

They have friends in the electric company and shut off our lights. They pulled my fiances credit and distributed aps all over town. They emailed everyone in town and said dont deal with these people. Larry Hansen on the board in Yelm is part of the KKK along with Pauline Hansen. The Hansens Golf buddy is the Prosecuting attorney so he has no chance in hell. Court date has been cancelled at least seven times. They make sexual comments to me and say I am messing with the BIG BOYS NOW. Well those big boys just spent state money to have penial implants.

These big boys are bad and nasty and need to go back to atlanta ga and their roots.

Company: Hansen Motors
Country: USA
State: Washington
City: Olympia
Address: 2300 CARRIAGE LOOP SW
Phone: 3605340717
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