Drive Financial Services
Charging extra to send payment. Ripoff

Cars & Transport

It's really simple. Either way you send your payment to them, you have to pay... I have never heard of anything like that... We as individuals or car owners are already struggling to pay the notes and then they turn around and charg you extra as to how you send it... I can understand the western union thing, But to send it thru mail it's 9.95 AND pay by phone is 10.95... This is ridiculous. I am sending in what I owe for the payment and that's it... I may be wrong but I just don't feel it... What if all the other companies charge you for sending a payment thru mail... Or pay on the internet... I think something should be done... Regardless of how you send the payment you pay extra... I don't think so... Please help me to understand because right now I am not feeling this at all... Thanks in advance... Help Me!!!

Company: Drive Financial Services
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Dallas
Address: P.O. Box 562088
Phone: 8882224227
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Drive Financial
Ripoff deceptive company