Transouth finance
Transouthfinance ripoff deceptive company

Business & Finance

I have a car with this company the first thing that they did was to switch payment days on us and not tell us which caused us to be late with the payment. The second thing that they have done is try to put an insurance on the car no matter how many times or way I have showed them I have insurance.

They tried to charge us an extra 150. A month for ins.
Now they closed down the office where I was told to send my payment did not write or call to tell us that not to send our payment there anymore so it took extra time for my payment to reach them. Now they say that we are missing a payment aprils to be exact I told them that I would fax them a copy of my reciept the fax no# that they gave me is no longer in service.

Cedar Key, Florida

Company: Transouth finance
Country: USA
State: Minnesota
City: Minneapolis
Address: P.o. box 1437
Phone: 3527969436
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