Car Rental Rip-off, Never used the Rental Agreement Priceline STOLE MY $574.34

Cars & Transport "Beam us somemore of your money, " Rip-Off Scam!

This unsympathic, uncaring, doesn't want to hear your problem company (Priceline-aka name your own rip-off of an amount of money you want to loose).com has made another enemy. I went through all the steps to rent a car from them and then accepted a deal and went about my business as usual. I then contacted the rip-off artists and infromed them that I never used the rental agreement and that they could verify that the car rental was never picked up at the agreed location. I then contacted the rip-off artists and requested that they assist me in gaining a refund of my monies that they so quickly took and that rental of the car was never used and the rental contract was not completed. Well the scamers at their Cust. Serv. Dept. Then told me that they would look into assisting me in getting a refund by verifying that the contract was in fact NOT used with the rental company and that they would have to wait for the dates of the agreement to expire to insure that I was not going to use the car at all, and that I should get a response and a refund as soon as these facts were noted and satisfied. This made me feel a little better knowing that someone was looking into the matter and trying to assist me with this problem. Soon after numerous repeated calls and e-mails to Pricelines so called Customer Service Reps. I received a distressing response " SORRY SUCKER BUT YOUR MONEY IS NOW OUR'S, GO CRAP IN YOUR HAT" is what it boiled down to. Well this did not sit well with me so I contacted the rental agency and asked if they could help me in retreiving my money from Priceline. They in turn informed me that because I never picked up the rental or completed the contract that was worked out through the rip-off Co. They could not refund what they never billed Priceline for which was for the use of their services. So in essence Priceline scammed me out of $574.34 RENTERS BEWARE THEY WILL GLADLY STEAL YOUR MONEY and then laugh all the way to the bank!!

Country: USA
State: Connecticut
City: Stamford
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Carol 080888 Priceline refuses to refund money on a rental car that wasn't rented! Internet
Fraud - Car Rental
Ripoff Rental Car Ripoff
Priceline = rip-off - car rental
Car rental
Ripoff car reservation never used, but charge anyway Minneapolis Internet
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Bait and Switch Tactics

Rip off